Saturday, July 5, 2008

when one door closes, another opens...

So sorry it's taken me so long to update... what a BAAAD blogger I am! But really, I was out of town with a sketchy internet connection and a busy schedule.

Wednesday, I left for a visit to Keith in Key West. What a GORGEOUS drive it was -- LONG, BORING, but BEAUTIFUL! I am always amazed at the wonders of God's creation. On Thursday, Keith and I relaxed - sleeping late and running errands around town. I did some research about getting my Open Water SCUBA Certification, and I've settled on a place here in Ft. Lauderdale.

Friday evening, Keith and I performed at a dock party... we donned our gypsy gear, climbed to the fly deck of our host's boat, and rocked out for a solid two hours. The guests were so grateful saying the music we played was perfect for the party, and I sounded like I was on the radio instead of live! That made me smile. After the music, Keith and I ate while mingling with the guests. Pretty soon, the fireworks started, and I ran to the bow of the boat to take it all in. Over the marina, a band played classic rock while the fire works went off in the distance and a balmy breeze tickled my skin. All the excitement from the evening washed away, and my body slipped into a peaceful trance.

Later that evening, I had "the talk" with Keith... I've been thinking a LOT about this new adventure I've gotten myself swept into. I'm going to be sailing to exotic ports, experiencing the world like I've never known it. I could be taken away next week or tomorrow for all I know! And, who knows when I would ever return to these shores? Weeks? Months? YEARS? Is it really fair that I should expect Keith to hang on to me? Or I to him? Is it right for us to be attached to each other only technically? No, I don't think it is. So, I set him free of me last night. We vowed to remain friends, and that promise I intend to keep. But, as for any bond that requires certain rules and social regulations, there is none. Yes, I am sad about this break. We had such grand plans for our future together, but sometimes I wonder if I may not have been more in love with the IDEA of such a romantic future. I still see myself as so young and immature -- barely ready to be out in the world on my own, let alone attached to another human for the rest of my life! Maybe this is too much to share for the "general public" and I hope that you aren't upset about my talking about this, Keith...

Anyway, it's early evening here at the crew house, and oddly enough, everyone is home... probably regretting their alcohol intake from the day before. The boys are watching some show about crazy, death-defying videos, and we girls are doing what we girls do -- laughing at the boys. I've never lived with guys before (my brother doesn't count), so this crew house thing is really new to me... quite amusing, actually. If half of yachties are this entertaining I should have PLENTY to talk about in future posts.

Thanks for your patience as I galavant around south Florida, and if you ever need a little piece of paradise, may I suggest the Keys?

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