Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Um... slight change in plans...

remember how I said that yachtie plans are about as solid as jello?  Well... hehe...  yeah.  So, my plans to come home this weekend have been... er... delayed because I GOT A JOB!!!!  I leave at 7 tomorrow morning for Providence, Rhode Island.  From there, I taxi to Newport to meet my new home for six weeks.  At some point, we will wind up in Maine with the filthy rich owners and their guests, and then the charter madness begins...  I'm not sure what to expect other than to be buried in laundry and cleaning supplies...  As the third stew, I'm the low-girl on the totem pole, so I get the less glamourous jobs.  No worries, though, I will be adequately compensated for my sweaty work.  PLUS, I'll be in gorgeous Maine, where I hope to score some cute ornaments to send back home...  hehehe...  

Yes, it was just as I expected -- quite a whirlwind experience.  Yesterday, I had spoken with Linda of Nautic Crew International about this position, but I didn't think much of it.  She had told me that the boat wanted someone experienced because there would be no time to train me.  Still, Linda had faith that I could pull it off because I have a willingness to do whatever I am asked.  So, she put me forward.  I, on the other hand, planned on coming home to deliver my car and spend some precious time with my sister and Percy because things were so slow here in Ft. Lauderdale.  Today I scored some day work -- cleaning the hell out of a boat before its brochure photo shoot tomorrow.  At some point during the day, the boat's chief stew called me interested in hiring me for the charter.  I spoke with her about it, but she reiterated that she and the captain wanted someone experienced.  I didn't expect to hear anything about it, so I went about my business.  An hour later, she called back and I was hired.  

THEN the true madness began.  She found me a plane ticket and ordered my uniform while I had the dilemma of figuring out where to stow my car for a month and a half AND packing all the crap I've strewn everywhere in the past month.  Without much effort, though, everything seemed taken care of...  the crew house manager said I could leave my car here at my crew house, I picked up my uniform from the outfitters up the street, and had my bags packed (with unnecessary clothes stored in my car).  I would leave tonight just to get the travel part over with, but I have to wait until the butt-crack of dawn.  So, I wait.

Once Molly gets home from Target, we're heading out for one (and I mean ONE) last drink together -- a celebratory libation for our jobs...  she got offered one today, too!  In fact, THREE of us -- Molly, Ashley, and I -- got jobs today!  The best part about my job is that it's short term and will put me back here right as the season changes and yachts are getting ready for boat shows, changing crew, and heading to the Caribbean for the winter.  Exciting, huh?  Of course, I am going home for a while to see my patient sister... she'll be a big, important college student at UGA...  Of course, I'll do my best to make time for the rest of the people in my life, but everyone knows Hannah-Leigh is the most important person in the world. 

Ciao for now my lovelies...  

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