Monday, July 7, 2008

First day of class down. I barely survived the hypothermia from the overactive air conditioner, but I learned a good bit.

Right now I'm watching the Snoop-Dog show "Father Hood"... I swear, some people can be the BIGGEST babies. Snoop's wife is complaining because she was given a spa treatment for her birthday, she doesn't have a cake, and she has to walk to a restaurant over cobblestone streets in expensive boots. Is she FIVE?! I think its behavior like this that gives Americans in general such a BAD reputation. I wish I could smack her.

Anyway, I'm getting sick of drinking every night... I feel like my insides are getting pickled. Unfortunately, Waxys and other area bars are prime spots to network for jobs... I could always just drink water. Oh heck, I'll be daring... water with lemon.

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