Monday, July 21, 2008

I touched dry land today...

... and I still felt the rocking of the waves...  weird huh?

Anyway, today was my short day, so I started around 9:15 and got off around 8:15...  I was lucky because everyone went out to an early dinner...  Tonight is our last day in Newport, so I guess everyone wanted to see the town one last time.  I was able to get off the boat for about an hour this evening.  From the few blocks I limped around in, Newport is a REALLY cute town!!  There were little alley-ways with neat shops and cool restaurants.  When we come back in a couple weeks, I hope I get more time to explore! 

While I was out, I saw a couple with two Yorkies, and it made me miss my precious Percy all the more...  As if seeing his sweet face on my desktop isn't enough to break my heart, I had to run into two little angels on the street.  But, surprisingly, they lifted my spirits a bit.  Gives me something to look forward to when I make my journey back home.

Eek, the Tylenol PM is starting to take effect and I'm going delirious.  We leave Newport tomorrow and head for Martha's Vineyard.  I've been told the ride is a bit choppy, so I'm not looking forward to it.  I'll be taking Bonine, wearing wrist bands, and chewing travel gum.  If I get sick, I'll feed myself to the fishes.

1 comment:

Lisa who thinks too much said...

Percy's doing great. He and Dagget are best friends now. They race each other out the door in the morning,love sun bathing on the deck. Percy didn't like Luis for a while, but Luis made a special effort. They're buddies. We take the "boys" for walks twice a day. I noticed that his limp gets better after a long walk.