Tuesday, July 15, 2008


That's right, I've decided to go ahead and drive my car back this weekend... Things are starting to pick up around here, and my car seems to be more baggage than is necessary, so...  I'll be flying back to Fort Lauderdale on Wednesday.  

I've been job hunting the past two days.  Monday I made my way around to the crew agencies -- ones I had interviewed with before and new ones that I'd registered with online.  I was put forward for some promising leads, but I don't know if I'll get anything.  There are some jobs that are just for a month that would put me back here right in time for the "Changing of the Guard" as they like to call it... and Caribbean season.  One boat I saw online is going on a world tour...  How COOL IS THAT?!  But it is really normal in this industry...  boats regularly have world itineraries...  usually, the captain will take the boat to each port and the owners / guests fly out to meet it...  Pretty sweet, huh?  Let's pray that I am fortunate enough to get one one such vessel.

Before I leave on Thursday, I have my first day of daywork on Wednesday (tomorrow)...  I'll be "sprucing up" the interior -- making things look good for a brochure photo shoot on Thursday.  I don't care what I have to do as long as I make some money...

Anyway, it's still early, and I had a two hour nap today -- throat was hurting and mucus-y -- but I've got to head to bed so I'm fresh for the morning...  YAY!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are coming home and I am heading to Florida! Bummer...I was so excited to see you were coming but then I realized we are leaving at the butt crack of dawn (aka 4 stinkin a.m.) on Saturday. I am so sad :o(

In other news I ran into HL and your Mom today at your favorite store...it was fun to talk to them!

Hope you have a blast at home and know that I would have loved to have seen your beautiful face my friend.

Love you.