Wednesday, August 13, 2008

$h!t has hit the fan...

Okay, so the proverbial shit hit the fan this afternoon when Phil got home and none of the guys were on board...  Because I was the girl on watch, I got the brunt of the guys' frustration...  well, everyone but Chris's.  It was none of my business what they did with their afternoon--whether they went to a bar to get pissed, or a salon to get pedicures...  They are grown men, and if they are supposed to be on duty, then how can it be MY fault if they're caught off guard?  BUT, Kaki had my back and assured me that I had done exactly what I should have done (stayed on the boat), and they should not have left me by myself.  Wow.  For once I've done THE RIGHT thing...  It's funny how quickly things can change...  both for the good and the bad.  I'm sure everyone's frustration and anger will blow over by tomorrow, and all will be well again...  

To kinna get away from the heat, I took off on my own tour of Sag Harbor...  um... yeah, not much happening.  By seven o'clock, half the stores had closed...  maybe I was walking in the wrong direction.  It's a cute town, though...  but not remarkable.  It looks like Anytown, USA...  tree-lined sidewalks, quirky storefronts, dogs on leashes, kids in strollers...  eh.

It's still early yet, and I'm sleepy...  maybe I'll humor my body and get to bed at a decent hour tonight.  I'm early girl tomorrow, so I need some rest to keep me running until my afternoon break.

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