Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dolphin Watch 2008

Okay, so I'm on watch with Mark right now, and we just saw DOLPHINS!!!!  They swam under the bow for several seconds before lagging behind and playing in the wake...  they seemed close enough to touch!  I could see lacerations and spots on their backs... and there were several BABIES!!!  What do you call a baby dolphin?  A pup?  Anyway, I'm not having so much trouble staying awake on this watch... it's sunny and I've slept about 36 of the past 48 hours...  there's not much else to do when you're underway... if I try to focus on anything for very long, I get lightheaded.  

The good news is we are making GREAT time....  We left NYC at 10 am yesterday and now, 32 hours later, we're already at Cape Lookout, North Carolina.  Phil has slowed us down a couple times, but I think we're getting caught in a current because we keep speeding up!  Hehehe....  It would be great if we could get into the shipyard early, but we aren't supposed to be there until Tuesday afternoon.  I'm hoping Phil will agree to anchor out for a few hours so we can swim...  wouldn't that be a BLAST?  OH!  and the water is absolutely GORGEOUS!  It's a deep, midnight blue... and SO calm.  We are about 20 miles off the coast, and I can't see the shoreline.  I kinna feel like I'm Noah -- stranded on an ocean covered earth...  

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