Sunday, October 5, 2008

Back to reality...

Hello there, Faithful Readers!

I'm BAAAAACK!  So sorry I left you for several weeks, but my journey brought me to the doldrums of yachting -- vacation -- and there simply wasn't much to report.  But, I'm afraid that I had to return to reality and work, so I'm back to reporting my daily grind.

Truthfully, I have not formally returned to Ft. Liquordale (as yachties so lovingly refer to it), but I will be come Tuesday.  I was able to extend my stay a full two weeks longer than expected, and whether or not that was a smart career move on my part, it definitely brought with it a number of wonderful opportunities.

To start, this weekend my sister came home from UGA and I REALLY got a chance to spend some time with her -- more than when I visited her on campus and when she came home two weekends ago.  We went to the football game Friday night, a dog show with Mommy on Saturday, and the mall today.  We pieced together her Halloween costume that is top secret, but is REALLY cute and had some great laughs.  Our honorary sister, our cousin Brooke, spent the night with us last night and we sat on the bed together IM-ing each other silly movie quotes and yearbooking ourselves.  We're nerds, I know, but I SO miss those days of being silly with my girls.  We reminisced about the past, talked about what life was like now, and looked forward to the day we could all be together again.  I'm going to miss them so much in the coming months... but, if you think about it, April isn't THAT far away...  six months?  Twenty-four weeks?  168 days?  BAH!  Pocket change in the grand scheme of things....  Sheah...  I'll keep telling myself that.

Staying longer also enabled me to meet up with Chris, so we could take that fly-fishing trip that he promised.  He picked me up on his way to his granny's house last Thursday and brought me back, albeit reluctantly, on Sunday night.  It was probably the BEST weekend I'd had in a LONG time, and I wish days like those weren't so far apart.  Even BETTER, I caught a wild trout.  It was less than half a pound and was shorter than some sardines I've seen, but nevertheless, I CAUGHT IT!  Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure...  

My Big Catch!
From Explore. Dream. Discover.

Casting the Fly...  And Hoping I Didn't Pierce my Lip in the Process!
whattya think about my outfit?  Pretty FLY, huh?  (Pun intended...)
From Explore. Dream. Discover.

Me and my Instructor...  He's such a great teacher!
From Explore. Dream. Discover.

So I leave for Florida with Chris on Tuesday morning with mixed emotions.  Again, I have to leave my family and friends and PERCY!  But, I'm ready to get back to work making money and stashing it away.  I'm eager to see what the next leg of my journey has in store for me... the Caribbean?  or some place more distant and exotic?  Wherever I go, you have my WORD that I will keep you all informed.  So many of you have told me what fun you've had living vicariously through my adventures.  I truly wish you could all be along for the ride -- the glamourous and not-so-glamourous parts -- because I'm sure we'd have PLENTY to talk about.  But, I am so grateful to have such supportive family and friends who pester me to death about keeping them informed.  :-)  You are wonderful and I would feel so unloved without you. 

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