Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I had an interview this morning...  went pretty well.  The chief stew found my resume at Smallwood's and called me yesterday while I was at Chris's house.  Turns out the captain was born in the same hospital I was born in, still lives in Georgia (when he's not on the boat), has friends at my alma mater, knows Sid Brown (my dad's old boss!), and has a nephew in the same school district where I used to teach...  WEIRD!  Or should I say, SMALL WORLD?!  

Anyway, the boat is 132' and is a pretty serious charter machine...  they are booked solid until February, and are hoping to get about ten more charters booked through until May.  The hard work doesn't scare me... and the money I'll be saving is GREAT!  (No, MOM!  Just because I'm not spending the money doesn't mean YOU can!!!!  But I will help you out with those tires on my car anyway...)

I've also been emailing a lady who responded to an ad I placed in the Triton.  She said she may have a lead for me...  turns out she's a travel writer, and she wants to meet me at the Triton networking party tonight.  The theme is "Cowboys and Indians" and a saloon in Ft. Lauderdale is hosting it...  I'll be looking more like a hillbilly than a cowgirl because I'm too cheap to invest in a pair of boots (they're SO not packable!), but maybe the plaid shirt I'm stealing from Chris and my braids and bandana will be convincing enough.  If not, I can always show a little cleavage.  Tehehe... Just KIDDING, DADDY!!

I'm off to Burger King with Trina and Carrie... no, I've already had my salad, so I'm just going for the exercise...  More to come.

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