Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm a baaaaaad blogger...

Okay, so in an attempt to get me back to blogging, my good friend Christy has "tagged" me...  here goes nuthin...

Here’s the rules for those I’m tagging. Check the list after my 6 THINGS to see if you’re it then

1. Link to the person who tagged you.

2. Post the rules on your blog.

3. Write six random things about yourself.

4. Tag sixish people at the end of your post.

5. Let each person know he or she has been tagged.

6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Now for Six Random things about me:

1.  I attended all three midnight showings of the Lord of the Rings films.

2.  Every time I drive through Atlanta, I get lost.

3.  I love fresh cut flowers, especially garden roses, calla lilies, and gerber daisies.

4.  I'm a dancing MACHINE!!  I've taken ballroom and belly dance classes in the past few years, and I'm always looking for someone to dance along with me!

5.  My mom has five dogs and a cat, and EACH one has their own voice to match their unique personalities, given so generously by me...  my mom says I missed my calling as a voiceover artist.

6.  I used to make ceramics in high school and I love to quilt.

So there you have it, folks...  it may not be very creatively put, but it's some randomness about me.  AND, I'll have more blogs coming soon... I promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, how soon is 'soon'? Where I come from 'soon' means pretty quick, like within twenty-four hours or so, maybe. It's already been five days {on Oct. 5th} and not a peep. It's been thirty-two days if you disregard the whole 'tagging' thing (which I haven't grasped the significance of, as yet). We're dying out here. Throw us a bone, please!

"It is better to sit in silence and appear ignorant, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." -- Mark Twain

Be that as it may, we are impatiently waiting for you to remove all doubt... uhhh, as it were.
