Monday, December 1, 2008

the new job...!!

okay, so i'm sitting on my new bunk, in my new closet... er... cabin... on my new boat.  Honestly, I wasn't very thrilled about this gig because the itinerary seems pretty boring -- Caribbean in the winter and Milwaukie in the summer.  What in the WORLD is there to do in MILWAUKIE?!  But, since i've been on the boat for a few days, i'm beginning to like this place.  I'm the only stew on board, so i get to make things the way I want them!  YES!!!  

Today, I started off with a full overview of the boat--looking in all the nooks and crannies, opening cabinets and drawers, and making a list of everything I could think of that needed to be done.  The problem with jobs like this is that once ONE job is complete, TEN MORE add to the list.  By the end of the day, I had done a linen inventory, liquor inventory, table decoration inventory, candle and glass decor inventory, cleaning supply inventory, and guest toiletries inventory.  Doesn't that sound EXCITING?!

Tomorrow, i'll be tackling the VIP stateroom -- cleaning, organizing, pressing all the linens, and figuring out what all is stored under that bed.  I imagine i'll also spend some time talking to the captain about my job, expectations, and those other details.  Eventually, I'll be detailing each of the rooms, bringing them all to my standards, and buying a TON of supplies.  

Current itinerary is this:  Leave on Dec. 14th for an owner trip to Key West.  From there, leave on Dec 20th for Bahamas and stay in the Caribbean for two months.  WAHOO!!!  We'll see what happens though...  

Spent last week on the island paradise of Cumberland Island with the fam and my second family -- the Rusch's...  it was pretty much AWESOME...  my legs are eaten up with sand flea bites, my nose is crusty because it ran like a faucet all week, and I still have a smoke-inhalation cough that won't give, but I would give anything to be back there again with everyone--even my complaining sister...  LOVE YOU, HL!!  

Sorry to cut this short...  it's getting late, and I need sleep to get me through the busy day tomorrow.  A woman's work is NEVER done!!

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