Monday, January 12, 2009

And the Lord sayeth unto me, "Thou shalt NOT be comfortable."

Funny how irony comes to bite you in the ass sometimes. I was just talking this morning (say 9 am) to my mom about my job and how I'm content to stay here for a year just to build up some time on my resume. No matter what the books may say, it does NOT look good to be a boat hopper. So, even though this isn't the kind of boat I want to work on, I was okay with taking the money and doing the job... biding my time, so to speak.

Well, damn if by noon, the captain comes in and says that the boss has decided to not have a stew aboard afterall... since the boat ISN'T moving, there is no sense in having someone dedicated to the interior. I understand where he's coming from, and honestly, I saw it coming... I was just crossing my fingers otherwise. At any rate, I'm to be off the boat on Friday. I don't know where I'm going to go, what I'm going to do, or how this little chapter will end, but I am slowly learning that God has interesting plans for me... and my family. Things have been rather difficult lately -- especially in the past week -- and as that great Amos Lee song goes, "You get right down to the bottom of the barrel and float back on top..." It's rather annoying how those great email catch phrases (When God closes a door, He opens a window; Hang in there; Everything happens for a reason...) have seemed to haunt me these last few hours as I try to plan and plot and figure out what my next step is going to be. Looks like I have some journaling ahead of me tonight.

So, pray for me as I go through these last few days aboard. I'm going to need grace, wisdom, and peace to get me through the days ahead...

1 comment:

Katie Ashley said...

Hey girl,
How odd it is we're both steering the rough waters right pun intended!! I've had two very difficult days as I wonder what in the world God has in store for me, and I hate to see you struggling with the same. I will pray peace for both of us and patience. Although I'm not one to work well in the patience department!!! Anyway, just know I love you, and I'm thinking about you!!
Take care!