Friday, June 27, 2008

smack talkin to a jersey boy

Hey there, adoring fans... Yes, I know its the wee hours of ye morn and most "normal" folk are dreaming about their alarm clocks going on vacation... BUT, I'm wide awake and bursting to talk.

So I went out with Molly and Kim... my first REAL bar as a yachtie, and I must confess, I was feeling my oats tonight! As the three of us sat around talking about everything from Kim's diverse and VERY cool history to 9/11 to how much we love horses, we somehow grew closer... perhaps it was my guitar playing earlier in the day, or maybe it was us helping Molly write her resume for a SWEET job in the Med. Whatever it was, we were soon laughing and having a great time. At some point in the evening, a "tough" Jersey-boy came up to Kim and started hitting on her. He called her "New Zealand" and offered to buy us all drinks. I declined -- having turned down the last round in lieu of a water. Jersey man -- with slick hair, pierced ears, and white shorts -- challenges Kim and Molly to a pool game. Of course, he smears them in the ground, and I confront him (playfully) saying that a true gentleman would have at least allowed for SOME competition. What fun is it if he beats them so quickly? Well, it was ON then. Jersey boy didn't like my brazen attitude. We went back and forth at each other -- he saying I should learn how to treat a man, and I saying he should learn how to treat a woman. Somehow, I always got the last word, and he couldn't STAND it! He kept saying I needed another drink, and I told him I would be just fine if he would stand on the other side of the room. At one point, he approached Kim and told her to "plant one" on his cheek. I raised my hand and begged to do the honors... He wasn't amused, but everyone else surely was!

Honestly, did he think we were going to fall all over him? His arrogance and pig-headedness were ridiculous... His friends even recognized what an ass he was being and they stopped associating with him. Finally, I just ignored him and the other girls followed suit. Of course, that wasn't good enough for Jersey, and he had to continue to butt into our conversation. When he finally came over and tried to "apologize" for being a jerk, I looked at him and asked, "Who are you again?" and I went back to sipping my water.

I really don't know where all that came from. Maybe it was the alcohol, but I think it has something to do with the fact that for the first time in my life I can be whoever I want to be... I don't HAVE to be nice to these guys, and I WON'T BE. They don't deserve my sweet smile. I only reserve that for men who know how to lose once in a while, who don't barge in on girls who mind their own business, and who are more concerned with boosting those around them rather than themselves...


Michael Bennett a.k.a Big Unit said...

Well, fuck me sideways.

Laina-you always said you were going to find yourself. I applaud your guts and determination to find the marrow of life and taste that which is often hidden from those who just exist on this rock.

The homeless man reflection reminded me of your voice and your ability to write. Don't ever STOP WRITING. Keep true to your soul. I think your journey is awesome. I spent my 20s searching and I found peace after many years of wandering.

Here's some advice. Get your certificate transferred to Florida. Keep it active in Atlanta. Do some correspondance course while pursuing your dreams. Eventually, you'll land somewhere and you'll need those things to help you get back in the world. You know my numbers and all you have to do is call 24/7 for money, advice, talk, whatever, and I'll do whatever I can to help you on your journey. Charlotte, Ingrid, and I are very proud of you and wish you the absolute best. Take care of yourself, make good decisions, and remember that people love you and that the world can be very unkind.

Your friend,


Michael Bennett a.k.a Big Unit said...


Fuck me sideways. I always knew you would pursue your dreams. I spent my 20s searching for peace and found it. Only you know what you seek. I hope you find it. If you ever need anything-money, advice, just to talk-you know my numbers and I'm here 24/7. Don't hesitate to call. Charlotte, Ingrid, and I are with you in spirit.

Some advice? Get your certificate transferred to Florida, take some grad courses online if you can, and always plan to return to the classroom. I know your last school was horrible but there are better schools that cry for your creative spirit.

Be good,


Lisa who thinks too much said...

I love that Michael Bennett.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!!! I love it. What an asshole...I swear, I wish you would have talked to that shit-ass principal of yours like that. If he calls again and I answer, oh HE WILL JUST HAVE IT. heh.