Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Home Sweet Home...

It's been a couple days since I've been home, and it's been nice...  Monday, I went to Button's house for dinner and laughs...  it was good to be around old friends again. 

Yesterday, Mommy and I kept the roads hot getting some much needed banking done.  I put her on my accounts and opened an account at Bank of America...  we went to the thrift store where I found some books on investing... and then we had a dog training session where Percy made me proud by remembering everything he and Mommy had worked on.

This weekend, I'm planning on a jaunt to UGA to see the stister (yes, it IS spelled correctly) and be a college student for another weekend.  We're both thrilled to see each other...  

Bad news on the job front:  the job I thought I had in the bag has been withdrawn...  Apparently my desire to think about the job (which wasn't going to be available until mid-October) didn't sit well with the powers that be, and the job offer was taken back.  That's fine.  It obviously wasn't meant to be.  In the end, I think this is all for the best, but I do admit I will miss the guys.

Gotta go...  watching the Republican National Convention...  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So since you have not updated in a while....

I tagged YOU!

So now you have something to blog about.

Oh and lets do lunch or dinner before you leave okay...I miss you already :o)

Love you friend.