Monday, August 25, 2008

Back in God's Country...

WE'VE MADE IT TO FLORIDA!!!  We still have 17 hours to go, but we are in Floridian waters...  Stepped outside tonight to get a breath of fresh air, and it even smelled different!  Like sulfur and fish...  

The time is 11 pm, and I'm on watch (again) with Mark...  He's told me at least five times how excited he is to get back home...  five times THIS watch...  about thirty times every watch previous...  Of course, he hasn't really been home in six months...  

When I was outside a few minutes ago, I took a look at the stars...  Keith wasn't lying when he said that the middle of the ocean is the best place to stargaze.  No city lights, no trees...  the sky extends from one horizon to the next...  The only light was the pesky light on the boat that Mark refused to turn off even for a few minutes -- despite the fact that there are NO other vessels around.  

"Why would it be a bad idea to turn off your light in Florida waters?"  he asked me.  
"Because the Coast Guard might think you're doing something illegal?"  
"Bingo."  And that was that...

But even with the light, I can still see the stars like I've never seen them before.  I swear, I saw the arms of the Milky Way and the stars sprinkled and scattered through the firmament.  I guess that's what the psalmist saw on those lonely nights out in the desert when he penned, "The heavens declare the glory of God..."  Scenes like those make me feel small and puny in comparison to the grand scheme of Creation and life in general.  And yet, when I see those sights, my heart swells with pride and joy to know that MY GOD is in control of the very same stars I'm admiring.  

A disturbing realization has been creeping upon me the past few weeks... Those around me -- the crew I work with -- doesn't seem thrilled about these things we've been seeing...  Yesterday, when the dolphins came, tonight with the stars, and even last night with the sunset I seemed like the only person who really enjoyed the moments...  I know they've seen some of the most beautiful places in the world, but I pray that no matter HOW many sunsets, starry nights, or dolphins I see I will NEVER get used to those moments when God comes near enough to whisper to us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:o) I pray that prayer too...that you are always delighted in our Creator God. And that see these things never got old.

My friend you always have such a way with words...beautiful.

Hope the last leg of your journey is easy :o)

Oh and I miss you like crazy :o)

Much love...